Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Yes! Amazing; I spent 21 hours on a plane. Air travel...amazing thing. They put you in an aluminium tube that weighs more than your house, which launches itself off the ground by exploiting a loophole in air pressure, and propels itself through space by exploding chemicals, and you sit inside, knowing that any one of a hundred human, mechanical, or weather problems could cause you to terminate in a fiery ball of doom, and the only reason you're alive to contemplate this is because the manufacturer built the seams tight enough to hold oxygen inside the plane. But everything's alright, because they gave me a Magnum!...ice cream, with caramel. And I managed to get three of them, so bliss. ^^
And then there was the landing. It had rained before we landed, so when we were on the runway, there were giant puddles everywhere. The engine turbines were lashing up impressive curtains of water, and strangely all I could think of was: "That would make one bad-ass hair dryer". So there we were, four bad-ass hair dryers a-blowing, two on each wing, and thus we rampaged across the airport, cutting great swathes through the massive puddles. I'm sure we must have inflicted heavy losses on the water droplets, but they always seemed to survive. Eventually all the whirly bits on the plane stopped and we got off, and they managed to find fault with my passport AGAIN.
The weather here is 18 degrees I think? My room temperature with air con switched on, so everything's ok. ^^ Barely need a jacket really. I had so many things to write up, I forgot most of them! Will post them as I remember though.

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