Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Not much happened today. We went shopping, or more accurately, my sister, cousin and auntie went shopping while I stood around for 4 hours. Fortunately my loyal standing around was rewarded; afterwards we went to the Chinatown district and visited an ice cream shop, where we bought the mother of all ice creams. Chocolate chip, chocolate caramel, and oreo ice cream in a cup, three flavors, double scoops of each. The sheer chocolatey goodness of it would have felled a lesser man, but my legendary constitution prevailed, and I fell upon the ice cream mercilessly, devouring it with the black hunger that resides within me. (I can smell your jealousy all the way over here Bernice! Speaking of which, what can I get you? I'm really not so mean as to get you one of those cheesy 'I <3 NY' things, so tell me, or I WILL be forced to get one of those shirts for you.) The temperature here is still pleasant, I am starting to wonder how necessary a jacket is. Except for the 9 pockets it has.
Now, since we had gone shopping just before this, we had shopping bags. And I needed my hands to hold my ice cream and eat it. So I brandished my Cookie Monster keychain, and clipped the shopping bags to my pants (which didn't fall down, I might add). So there I was, striding down the street eating chocolatey-fatal ice cream with a shopping bag swinging from my manly Cookie Monster keychain, when we passed a pretty Chinese girl. She was staring at me, as much for my rugged good looks as for my keychain, so I repaid her compliment by winking and grinning at her, before returning my full attention back to the delicious ice cream I was eating. I imagine she was quite flattered. ^^

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