Metal Slug 5!! They got walkers now. -> And ninjas. Pure badass. If I played it in real life I'd have spent $45 on it; thank god for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator, which lets me put in credits for free. :P Had an A maths confirmation test yesterday, to see if we were capable of/intended to continue A maths in sec 4 next year. No idea how the test went though; was playing Halo 3. ^^ I found that the best anti-brute weapon so far is the GRAVITY HAMMER. Its a one-hit-kill weapon, no matter where it strikes (Even the ass cheeks! Although I suppose you would die of shame if someone smited you on your tushie with an energised hammer). Going overseas, but no idea what to pack, so I shall bring an empty suitcase and hope for the best. ^^
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