Tuesday, April 29, 2008

About that case of the Austrian gramps keeping his daughter in his basement for over two decaces, the Austrian government (or was it the tabloid?) decried the citizens, saying they should feel ashamed of themselves for not detecting such a heinous crime among them, in their neighbourhood. Hell man, tad unreasonable demand, don't you think? Its not everyday you see someone locking his daughter up for 24 years and fathering 7 children with her. While its admittedly a crime for which he should have his gonads soaked in boiling water while he's awake, its not like you go around thinking: "Oh, there goes Mr. Fritz, what a lovely man. *smile, wave* He looks just like the type to lock his offspring in his basement for over two decades and rape her repeatedly. See you tomorrow Mr. Fritz!" Just doesn't happen. If I knew someone who can actually conceive the suspicion that anyone would do that, I'd stay the hell away from that person too. And Heaven forbid our society ever reach that level where incarceration, and incestual rape become plausible suspicions.

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