Sunday, May 11, 2008

Lately, its been PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME. Actually no, not really. I sit here, writing this at 2.49am, groggy from lack of sleep and high on karaoke. The past three days have been trying: staying awake till 4am each night to make sure your torrents are in order is no joke. But it has been worth it *has all the Lucky Star character albums now*. And then there was Mother's Day, where I was considering getting my mother Grand Theft Auto IV, but then I had an epiphany: I has no three-sixty. So we settled for a chocolate sponge cake with chocolate icing and breaded crumbs (or crumbled bread?), which I fully anticipate to be delicious. Such a cake can be bought at kovan for $18, and not at Prima Deli. Along the walkway facing the old bus bay, shop name is DJ Bakery. Quite a feat considering my sister and I managed to rush out and get it and a blouse, in the space of time that my mother took to go out and come back. We should be a rapid response team, dammit. And I just found out that my Chinese O Levels start in two weeks. Talk about a damper on the 4-day holiday after exams. (On a side note, for some reason, Iron Man really reminds me of the Tin Woodsman from The Wizard of Oz if he was more badass. Maybe if the Wizard of Oz had given the Tin Woodsman an Arc Reactor for a heart he wouldn't have gotten his ass handed to him by flying monkeys.)

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