Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I think if my Chinese teacher knew I was playing dating sims to improve my Chinese, he'd have a fit. But its actually pretty awesome. If no one is going to use textbooks anymore anyway, Chinese class should be devoted to playing dating sims. What's even more impressive is that I understand what's going on, and its all in traditional chinese, which makes it hard as..I don't know. And because I didn't install Applocale yet, the installation's chinese words couldn't appear, so I navigated my way through the installation on the strength of question marks.

"??? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ???"
"????" "???"

Also, I found this awesome site: http://miatimpano.wordpress.com/2007/08/23/my-environmental-crime/#more-56 here's one of her articles

Who chose Ronald McDonald as the spokes-clown for Clean Up Australia Day? Because, fuck, that was some solid gold marketing. “Okay guys, we need to connect with the Australian public, I’m thinking deranged American burger clown?” Yes! Slay us all with the power of burger clown! Finally, someone who speaks to us! Command me, burger clown! You really make me want to touch garbage. No, wait, the other thing — DRINK YOUR BLOOD.
I would sincerely like to stab Ronald McDonald in the arse, then kill him. Then leave his corpse rotting in whichever government department approved that campaign, as a reminder — do better or die. Considering we now have more marketers than we have shit to market, I don’t think this is unreasonable.
We are bleeding our earth host to death — to death — and our collective heroes are burger clown, his friend Grimace the purple cyst, and now “Nugget the Echidna” (his actual name) star of the “You’re gonna get stung” campaign, in which Nugget runs along the highway, fires garbage at motorists, screams, then performs some kind of private dance. In this case, marketers have combined two winning elements — talking animals and unsolicited violence. They also gave him a name synonymous with turd.
I sincerely hope someone was fired for that, or at the very least beaten. Our earth host decays while tax-payer money bankrolls the animation of Nugget, essentially a dancing arsehole. It is true; we need a hero. Captain Planet? He’s a hero. Gonna take pollution down to zero. Gonna help him put asunder bad guys who like to loot and plunder. You’ll pay for this, Captain Planet! [etc. etc., skip to chant] Looting and polluting is not the way, hear what Captain Planet has to say: THE POWER IS YOOOOUURRS!
Yes, excellent, the power is mine. Thank you, Planet! Please, be more vague. That said, I like this “looting” angle you work. Also “plundering”. My own environmental crime is not dissimilar; I litter. Receipts, mainly, but also ticket stubs, serviettes — sometimes crumbs. In my defense, I do not print anything, I never drive, and to save water I shit in the garden. No, this is a lie. I of course use the bowl.
I litter for the same reason that I do not clean my room or press my socks or fold my pantaloons into little squares — I don’t care. I love piggery. I love to smash glass. I love to kick things that don’t belong to me. I love to fire shit into the air and never find it again. I am an “extreme” demographic, identified by the government as “willfully arrogant”, an “anti-establishment litterer who [is] aware that littering is anti-social, but [has] no desire or capacity to change because of peer pressure and broader social problems”.
Then again, there are ways even an “anti-establishment litterer” such as myself can dispose of garbage, and still kick up one’s “willfully arrogant” heels.
1. Throw your litter at someone else. Scream, “Catch!” It’s their problem now legally.
2. Dump your garbage collection onto plates at restaurants. Waiters are required to remove it by law.
3. Thrust your tissues in other people’s pockets. This can be achieved through the “Look over there!” technique. If they question why your used tissue now dangles from their breast pocket, say, “When god closes a door, somewhere he opens a window.” It will explain nothing, but will allow a moment of confusion in which to run away, screaming.
In the past week, I have tried these measures and found them both amusing to me and irritating to others. Go planet. Truly, the power is mine.

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