Saturday, May 31, 2008

Lying down is the recommended position for sleeping. The torso should be kept parallel to the surface it is lying on, and maintain constant contact. The head should not be elevated more than 45 degrees, and if possible, avoid lying on the limbs of the body to ensure proper circulation. To facilitate proper respiratory functions, do not sleep with a pillow covering the face and/or sleep face-down. If you follow these guidelines for the proper use of a Mattress, we guarantee that your sleeping experience will be an optimal and satisfactory one, and we hope you will wish to repeat the experience.

Yes, I came up with that myself. Someone should print it on beds and mattresses haha. 'Guidelines for the proper use of somnambular facilities'. Also, today, we had captain's ball with respectively, a chicken, a cuttlefish, a cabbage, and a stick of butter. A thoroughly disgusting and tiring game, yet strangely fun. Also, I recommend Sandstorm, by Darude, for anyone who likes trance or a catchy beat. The hour is now 12.34am as of when I looked at the clock. 12.35am. Bah. To the bedmobile. (Remind me to write about bloodsport the next time I sign in.)

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