Sunday, November 9, 2008

Scholarly isn't it? Originally I would have changed the blog template to some scholarly/monastic looking thing, but that would remove everything I've added, and I like keeping my record of how many five-year-old children I can beat down, so we're stuck with the black background. No, just because the music is ominous doesn't mean that it's bad. I find it quite sleep-inducing actually. Just look at the old man at the top, he's so relaxed. I feel like sleeping too. In fact I think I shall! I am now free to do whatever I want, with the exception of breaking the law. I have 5 months to kill till polytechnic enrollment, and I don't have any new games. My actions are now devoid of meaning. :( Everything I've done in my 17 years has been geared towards O levels, and now that they're over, I have no idea what to do. As such, I am now watching a cybernetic ninja ghost anime! Perhaps I shall get a part-time job, construction if I can.

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