Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I made this new friend today :D she's called Shelley, and I met her on the subway, she was playing Sudoku, so I just leaned over and started helping her. And there was one point I gave her 4 number-answers in one go, and she was like "How'd you figure that out?" ANd I put on a deep, solemn, King-Solomon kind of voice and said "I USED MY EXTRAORDINARY ASIAN ABILTEIS" and she gave me an O.o face and said "You serious?" "AS SERIOUS AS NUCLEAR WINTER" and she laughed. And i'm sorry about using so many ands and stuff, oh deah, the sugah content, i think my heart is pumping caramel through my veins. Yes, about that, I visited the Hershey's Factory recently, and bought an unholy amount of chocolate; oh mah lawd, I shouldn't have eaten so much chocolate, now I'm not thinking clearly, and don't worry! THe christmas story is coming along. Yes. Just fine.

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